Our Services

We pride ourselves on providing compassionate, comprehensive services to children from birth through adolsescence, and we are glad you have chosen us as your child's Paediatric Therapy Centre.

We know how hectic life can be and are committed to making our practice convenient and accessible for our family. We want you to feel confident when you choose the Sujay Child Development Center, as your child's primary occupational therapy center, you are working with professionals who are qualified, experienced and caring. We do this by equipping you with the support and resources you need to make the most educated decisions abut your child's Development.

About Occupational Therapy : Occupational Therapy, often abbreviated OT, is use of treatment to DEVELOP, RECOVER, or MAINTAIN the living skills of people with physical, mental or developmental conditions.

Paediatric Occupational Therapy :

Occupational Therapist understand that school, play and self care are the "OCCUPATIONS" of childhood. We are dedicated to helping children participate to their fullest potential.

Paediatric Occupational Therapy is a child centered profession that addresses challenges in sensory, motor, academic and socio-economical development that impact meaningful engagement and participation in everyday activities within a plaful context. We provide services for children and adolscents with variety of diagnosis including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Attention Defecit/Hyperactivity(ADHD), Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Down's Syndrome, Cri-du-chat syndrome, William Syndrome, Learning Disability (LD), Fragile x syndrome, Dyslexia, as well as many other developmental delays. Handwriting management, fine motor skills, low confidence are some of school based area for occupational therapist.

Sensory processing (sometimes called "sensory integration" or SI) is a term that refrers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses (eyes, hearing, touch, smell, taste, movement, pressure) and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioural repsponses. Whether you are biting into a hamburger, riding a bicycle, or reading a book, your succesful completion of the activity requires processing sensation or "sensory integration".

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD, formerly known as "sensory integration dysfunction") is a condition that exists when sensory signals don't get organized into appropriate responses. Pioneering occupational therapist and neuroscientist. Jean Ayres, PhD, likened SPD to a neurological "traffic jam" that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information correctly. A person with SPD finds it difficult to process and act upon information received through senses, which creates challenges in performing countless everyday tasks. Motor clumsiness, behavioural probles, anxiety, depression, school failure, and other impacts may result if the disorder is not treated effectively.

It is also seen in children diagnoised with Autism , DHD, Learning Disability, Developmentally Delayed, Cerebral Palsy, and other genetic condition like Down Syndrome, Cri-du-chat syndrome, Willium syndrome.

How Sensory Processing Disorder is treated:

Most children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) are just as intelligent as their peers. Many are intelectually gifted. Their brains are simply wired differently. They need to be taught in awys that are adpted to how they process information, and they need leisure activities that suit their own sensory processing needs.

Once children with Sensory Processing Disorder have been accurately diagnosed, they benefit from a treatment program of occupational therapy (OT) with sensory integration (SI) approach. When appropriate and applied by a well-trained clinician, listening therapy 9such as Integrated Listening Systems) or other complementary therapies may be combined effectively with OT-SI.

Occupational therapy with a sensory integration approach typically takes place in a sensory-rich environment sometimes called the "OT gym". During OT sessions, the therapist guides the child through fun activities that are subtly structured so the child is constantly challenged but always successful.

The goal of Occupational Therapy is to foster appropriate responses to sensation in an active, meaningful, and fun way so the child is able to behave in a more functional manner. Over time, the appropriate responses generalize to the environment beyond the clinic including home, school, and the larger community.

The DIR (Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based Model) is a developmental model for assessing and treating any child's strengths and weaknesses. It has become particularly effective at identifying the unique developmental profiles and developing programs for children experiencing deveplopmental delays due to Autism, Aspergers Syndrome or other Developmental Disorder.

Floortime is a developmental intervention involving meeting a child at his or her current developmental level, and challenging them to move up the heirarchy of milestones outlined in the DIR Model. Floortime is child-focussed-the parent or therapist follows the child's lead, with playful positive attention while tuning into child's interests. Once the child conects with adult specific techniques are used to challenges and entice the child to move up the developmental ladder.

We use Neuro-kinestehetisitic approach for handwriting and hand function. It involves various brain-eye-hand exercise to improve hand function, and participation in handwriting. Other approach like handwriting without tears are also used for treatment.

Areas of Concern

Though diagnoses are scary many times there are few areas which need to be worked out to reduce problems and to improve child participation in society. Here we make attempt to cover most important areas so parents can understand importance and management of same regardless of diagnosis...

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About Sujay CDC

Sujay Child Development center offers a singular experience, a unique environment and limitless opportuinities. It provides vital stepping stone in intellectual and emotional growth for children with special needs. We are committed to achieving and maintaining a standard of excellence in all we do. First and foremost, we consistently strive to make child...

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Sujay Child Development Center offers a singular experience, a unique environment and limitless opportunities. It provides vital stepping stone in intellectual...

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  102, 1st floor, Bhangshree Tower, Opp. Pawar
     Industrial Estate and SBI ATM,
     Daji Ramchandra Road, Charai, Thane     (West)-400601.

  022-2544 6100
   +91 99307 85101

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